Deep in the Internet abyss, past the viral videos and all the insufferable memes lies Common Ground, a haven where one can find solace and camaraderie through a shared passion for music. We are simply two college students fascinated by the complexities of music who have decided to put our love for music in words.
Ultimately, we hope to grow as music listeners and writers and hope to give you, the audience, a steady stream of new and interesting content. Hopefully, this will become a comfortable medium through which we can relay our opinions and reflections to you. In beginning this blog, we have decided to first look back at 2010 to assess the most distinctive albums of the year, reviews that will likely culminate in a “Best of 2010” list. In the new year, however, we will look forward and begin to review new albums. We also hope to feature articles on the rich Boston music scene. You never quite know what will happen...
If you have any opinions too, please leave us a comment or send us an email.
Michela & Lucien
OMG, 1st comment!!! I feel so special!!!
You'll never guess who this is...
You should feel very special...Lloyd Slawski?